ECO International’s response to the 2004 chemical spill that threatened Khabarovsk, Russia’s drinking water supply, and its affiliation with the Oregon Fujian Sister State Association, led to ECO International being tapped to assist Sichuan Province when a 2008 earthquake destroyed the rural drinking water infrastructure at the earthquake epicenter in mountainous Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province.  ECO International remains engaged in China through its affiliation with the Chengdu Urban Rivers Association and with its various other partners throughout China.

Реакция ECO International на утечку химикатов в 2004 г., угрожавшую Хабаровску, питьевому водоснабжению России, и его принадлежность к Ассоциации сестринского государства Орегон Фуцзянь, привели к тому, что ECO International была привлечена для оказания помощи провинции Сычуань, когда землетрясение 2008 г. разрушило сельскую инфраструктуру питьевого водоснабжения в эпицентр землетрясения в горном уезде Вэньчуань провинции Сычуань. ОЭС Интернэшнл продолжает работать в Китае через свое членство в Ассоциации городских рек Чэнду и с различными другими партнерами по всему Китаю.

ECO International 对2004年化学泄漏事件的响应,该事件威胁到俄罗斯的饮用水供应国哈巴罗夫斯克,并与俄勒冈州福建姐妹州协会有隶属关系。当2008年地震摧毁了四川省的农村饮用水基础设施时,ECO International被派去协助四川省。 四川汶川山区地震震中。 ECO International通过与成都城市河流协会及其在中国各地的其他合作伙伴的隶属关系继续在中国开展业务。


Assessing Drinking Water Sources in the Earthquake Zone

​When a magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck Sichuan Province in 2008, the Beijing government assigned to each Chinese province an administrative district (a “county”) within the earthquake zone for relief efforts.  The epicenter, Wenchuan county, as assigned to Fujian Province.  Fujian and Oregon are “sister states”, so when the Oregon-Fujian Sister State Association offered to help it was directed to the worst affected areas of mountainous Sichuan Province.  OFSSA turned to ECO International to plan Oregon’s response.  ECO International identified assurance of safe drinking water resources as a primary need and put together a Scope of Work that included specifications for analytical equipment capable of detecting chemical and biological contamination in “real time”, in the field.  ECO International calibrated the equipment (a Gas Chromatograph with Photo- and Flame Ionizing Detectors) and introduced it to the chemists of the Sichuan Research Institute of Environmental Protection in Chengdu.

Jessup International Moot Court Competition

ECO International Executive Director Thomas Benke was invited to teach at the KoGuan Law School of Shanghai at Jiao Tong University in November 2016.   Thomas has been judging the Jessup International Moot Court competition for over twenty years and was privileged to teach a seminar on the subject to Shanghai students on behalf of the International Law Students Association.